Tuesday, August 28, 2007

today in the garden

No matter how late the start, a garden in August means bounty. Harvesting has begun: Mel took a couple of quarts of green and yellow wax beans over to "Lou", our water angel who lives (and gardens) across the street, and I took home some beautiful radishes and swiss chard (see the photo below). I hope Phil put the lettuce in some icy water to revive it, although he is going out to dinner this evening. He has enough for salad for a week!
Mel, I'm sorry I never get your photo. (He really is there every week working, come rain or shine.) And Sharron, I thought your picture turned out well!
By the way, last week we canvassed the neighborhood and got to meet some of the neighbors, inviting them to pick, weed, water, and come to our get together next week.
I think by the looks of the tomato plants and the peppers that they were the big winner with the neighbors, judging by the lack of ripened fruit. I pinched the basil and cut off some over-ripened okra, and there was a lot of beans, chard and lettuce that could have been harvested.
Phil discovered a tiny cucumber today, and we've all had a taste of the stevia, lettuces, cherry tomatoes of various varieties, and 'Mariachi' peppers. I am personally looking forward to the eggplant and tomatillos. I think Sharron is rooting for some sunflowers. And the corn is tasseling, and the runner beans are twining.
It is, as Phil dreamed it, a beautiful garden. Veggies can be beautiful. We are learning as we go, because as you all know Rome wasn't built in a day. But it is amazing what a small group of volunteer gardeners can do in a short amount of time.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Well done Betsy, I really like the pictures and step-by-step updates. They're really informative and helps me recall what we've been doing.

Thanks for taking the time to do t his.
