Sunday, August 3, 2008

2008 Planting Grows Beyond Expectation

We added about four inches of compost to the existing beds before we planted this Spring. That was enough to allow the tall plants to stand upright.

We planted both the seeds we ordered and the plants we were given. Everything has grown rapidly. Too rapidly, as it turns out, we don't have the diversity of plants we intended as the beans, squash, and tomatoes have grown so quickly that slower starting plants were shaded out.

To eliminate the problem with our trellises failing as the fruit became heavy, we have strengthened both the long trellises and the tomato cages. So far so good. The plants were easily trained onto the trellises.

We have begun harvesting lettuce, summer squash, and radishes. The neighbors have taken the vegetables as we wanted. The community as begun to be more involved as we hoped they would.

We'll be having a recipe exchange/cooking demonstration in the next couple weeks.

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